All Kat told us about what she wanted in her room was: white walls and orange circles. She is the only one we really listened to regarding requests. The others, we just did what we wanted! But, Kat, she is one you don't want to cross :) We took her basic ideas and ran with them!
The walls are Polar Bear White. Kat made it perfectly clear that she did NOT what her bed painted. I forgot that part until she said, "Isn't it funny how I told you NOT to paint my bed and you painted it and I LOVE it?"
The circles are vinyl we ordered off eBay. 75 of them for $22. Can't beat that!
Kat's bedroom was started last. It took us a while to get inspired. Here is the end result!
We found the turquoise circle pillow and pink Build-a-Bear poodle at a yard sale. I asked the lady how much she wanted for the poodle. She asked what I wanted to pay. That always ticks me off. I told her fifty cents. It was pretty much new. But, if she didn't care how much she got, or didn't get, why should I? She did ask for a dollar and we gave in. What a deal!
We are glad you love your room, Kat. And we love you!