Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME!

Thirty-six years ago, I was born. My mom can provide the painful details, but, I will just say, I was born. Today was a great day. Ali got her braces off, hurray! I worked a bit. And then the Sorensen clan, sans the Soelbergs, headed to the park for pizza and playing. And play we did! We always have such a fantastic time together.
I got some beautiful flowers. Thank you friends!!
OK, after climbing the ropes, Josh realized that there was a football on the top of the roof over the pavillion. So, of coarse, you send a 5 year old after it.
Josh helped Dana give the blessing on the food. Just as a side note, Dad ALWAYS calls on Dana to pray over the food. And I do mean always!

Here is Papa arriving with the pizza and Nana's wheelchair.

I want to thank everyone who helped make my 36th birthday a smashing success! I love you all :)