Saturday, April 25, 2009

Vegas Saturday

Saturday in Vegas brought more laughter, shopping, eating and a movie. This day actually started with a yummy treat from my cousin Paul (please see good-bye Vegas post for a picture of said cousin.) Our little Paulie is a manager at a Krispie Kream on the strip (shutter.)

We started our shopping at the outlet malls. Our fun there included me running, literally, from a sales man in Vitamin World. I was pushing Mom in the wheelchair at the time and she admits to experiencing some horror while flying through the air. But, I was afraid a simple, "We're not interested" was going to suffice with this salesman. So, I kicked up my heals and started running. Great fun, great fun.

After we girls had decided there was no more fun to be had at the outlet malls, we headed to a different mall, virtually, around the corner. This was a very high-class mall. We almost couldn't afford to breath the air :) It was one of those outside malls. It was beautiful. We went there for dinner and a movie.

Dinner was at California Pizza. I had never been there. It was super yummy. We had lettuce wraps and a vegetarian pizza with goat cheese and eggplant. Oh, my heck, it was so scrumptious! I could eat it any day of the week!!!

Before dinner, we went to buy the tickets to the movies. Well, this was an experience. We have DVR and so does my Aunt. None of us watch commercials any more and had NO idea what any of the movies were about! So, through the process of elimination (we eliminated kid movies and any rated R) we selected State of Play. The ugly orange pix below is from the theatre bathroom. Have you seen an uglier color? Personally, I have NOT!! And, yes. Those are napkin dispensers in the bathroom. Have you tired to wipe your wet hands on a napkin? Seriously people. What do we pay $10 a ticket for?

So, I think, I might have permission to share this story. But, if not, hope you get to read it before I pull it!

So, we get about halfway through the movie and Mom leans over and says, "I am going to throw up." A couple of things go through my head. Mostly, please don't let this happen cause I can't get my mom out of here if she is actually sick. After making sure she didn't want to leave, I grabbed my purse and went to find something to buy for her to throw-up in. Good news, the theatre was very kind and only charged me $4 for an empty cup!! After using the cup for the intended purpose, she promptly feel asleep. I look over and my Aunt was also asleep. Wow, how was that for excitement?? I tried to enjoy the movie, but was pretty worried about how to get these tired, sleeping beauties of the the theatre when the time came.

We did make it home, with possibly only one problem: my Aunt put us right back into the mall parking lot shortly after we exited it. Not a big deal, right? Well, we all nearly peed our pants we were laughing SO hard. Yes, we actually did A LOT of laughing to the extreme during this trip.

This is my myself, Aunt Naomi and my mommy (l to r).