Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Some Christmas Presents

At the top is my "Dictionary" and Thesaurus. Below that is Dictionary and her boyfriend whom we have named, you guessed it, Thesaurus :) Aren't they cute together?
This is the dang cute Yahtzee game Sara made for us. I forgot to take a picture of the cute dice. You might asked why I don't just take it now and add it. Well, I am in a current battle with my photo program. It seems to only have one way to upload pictures. I get one shot and that is it. So, when I win the battle, and MATT will, I will add a picture of the dice to this post!
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This is a picture of the screen of Kat's iTouch.

Ali must have taken her camera to school as I can't find it to take a picture of. Matt has the elephant art hung in his cubicle. So, I will get pictures of those items later.

I did try to upload other pictures of Christmas presents, but these are the only ones that Picasa decided I should be able to post :)