Sunday, March 15, 2009


I just read my sister, Sara's, blog about our Grandma.  I love my sister.  Her post about Grandma  brought tears to my eyes.  I am so thankful we both have strong testimonies of the gospel and the eternities.

Sara came to us from....heaven originally.  I wasn't so keen on her.  She looked like a dead bird.  Well, I do believe I have gone TOO far back.

Sara came to visit from Indy for Grandma's funeral.  I am so thankful Sara loves Indy, but I love her and I miss her.  I hate Indy for keeping her.  We had a great visit together.  She is such an amazingly talented person.  She has no idea how much I love her or admire her, so I thought I would just blog it!

Sara, I love you!  You are an inspiring wife, mother, sister and daughter.  Thank you for coming and leaving your life for a few days.  Come back soon, with the girls, this time!!  And, Joe, too.  We love that grey haired man!